Anger is a powerful emotion that, from a young age, we are often prevented from expressing, but anger is an important protective emotion. It can push us into action and lead us to stand up for ourselves and others. When we teach children that anger is wrong, we leave them ill-equipped to protect themselves from emotional harm in their adolescence and adulthood. Repressed anger turns into anxiety and depression, because rather than expressing intense emotion, we risk internalizing it and letting it make us feel impotent to affect change or better our own lives.
I always try to wield my anger with intention, because I AM angry at the world for how it treats me and others like me. When I repress my anger, it becomes poisonous to my mental health. I am always going to be a strong advocate of expressing anger in healthy ways, lest that anger festers and turn to rage, causing us and others around us harm.
I'm glad that you can appreciate that strategically expressed anger. It helps keep me sane. Some folks may be uncomfortable with it, but I encourage them to sit in their discomfort and not devalue my words because they were a little bit angry.